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There is no enrollment cost to the family.

If your child is accepted into the program, services are provided at no cost.
Head Start is a federally funded program by the Department of Health & Human Services, Administration for Children & Families – Office of Head Start. Parents are subject to use of their child’s medical insurance for dental and medical care services provided by physicians.

Early Head Start 

Ages: 12mos - 3 yrs

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Enrollment FAQ

  • How do I become eligible for services?
    It's easy to prove eligibility with any of the following documents: - A copy of notce of SNAP approval - Other documentation of eligibility or benefits from the SNAP agency, such as a screenshot from a SNAP mobile app - You household's SNAP card (Electronic Benefit Transfer [EBT] card)
  • What cities do you offer services to?
    We service all of Macon County only. You must reside in the county we service to be eligible.
  • What kind of assistance is provided?
    Pregnancy Services, Early Care & Education, Nutrition Services, Health and Wellness, Parenting Support & Engagement.
  • Who do you provide services to?
    We prioritize services for families with lower incomes, children with special needs, families experiencing homelessness or engaged in the foster care system, families receiving public assistance, and other families depending on circumstances and availability.
  • How do I apply for my child(ren)?
    Download the documents below and complete them. Call us at: 334-720-0636 Attend your Intake Appointment Provide the required documents Attend Parent Orientation
  • Can I use the same application for all of my children?
    No, each child must have a separate application completed for them.
  • How do I prove I am a resident of Macon County?
    A piece of mail with your name and Macon County address on it. A utility bill with your name and Macon County address on it. A screen shot of your phone bill with your Macon County address on it.

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 This website is supported by Grant Number 04CH01290301 from the Office of Head Start within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of Tuskegee-Macon County Head Start/Early Head Start and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Office of Head Start.

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